
107 Pins
Biblioteca Nacional Digital - Della trasportatione dell'obelisco Vaticano et delle fabriche di Nostro Signore Papa Sisto V, fatte dal caualier Domenico Fontana architetto di Sua Santita, In Roma, 1590
Art: Despite not having metal tools, the Maya were masters of stone sculpture. This is obvious in the many stone carvings on the facades of Maya buildings and on the stelae they used to commerate their kings. Maya art was intimately connected to religion, with most of their artwork serving a religious purpose.
annnlllll (@annnnlllll)
Obelisk Ramses at Night - Temple at Luxor.
9 Construções misteriosas que até hoje não têm explicação
O obelisco inacabado de Aswan, Egipto
The 100 Most Famous Landmarks Around The World - Page 64 of 101 - The Crazy Tourist
Temple at Luxor, Egypt - Travel Photos by Galen R Frysinger, Sheboygan, Wisconsin More
red granite obelisk
red granite obelisk valley of the kings, Luxor
Anu (Heliopolis) - Obelisk of Nesi (Pharaoh) Senusret I - The oldest standing obelisk in Egypt. It is now in the Al-Masalla (Obelisk in Arabic) area of Al-Matariyyah district near the Ain Shams district (Heliopolis). It is 67 feet tall and weighs 120 tons or 240,000 pounds.