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551 Pins
Build a Rustic Sofa Table & Make New Wood Look Old - Deeply Southern Home
Build a Rustic Sofa Table and how to make new wood look old, barn wood DIY
Homemade Modern, Episode 9 – DIY concrete pendant lamp
Concrete Lamp, DIY instructions from
34 Cool and Modern DIY Concrete Projects
34 Cool and Modern DIY Concrete Projects
Smillas Wohngefühl
DIY: concrete candle holder so easy! Anleitung für Kerzenständer aus Beton/Zement, geht ganz einfach!
Der DIY & Bastel Blog rund um Deko, Geschenke und Einrichten
Gingered Things - DIY, Deko & Wohndesign: Diamant aus Zement und Tafellack
DIY Geometric Concrete Bookends Tutorial
So cool! These would costs tons at a furniture store, but you can easily make these at home! DIY instructions here: