Snow and ice ❉❤️

an old fashioned wooden sled with snow on it and gnomes in the background
Nostalgia cristmas.
a cat standing on its hind legs in front of a window with snow falling all over it
New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents
two men are playing instruments in front of an ice - covered wall with icicles
Let It Go (Disney's "Frozen") Vivaldi's Winter - The Piano Guys
Let It Go (Disney's "Frozen") Vivaldi's Winter - The Piano Guys
a group of people standing around each other
Let It Go - Frozen - Alex Boyé (Africanized Tribal Cover) Ft. One Voice Children's Choir
Let It Go - Frozen - Alex Boyé (Africanized Tribal Cover) Ft. One Voice ...
a snowman that is standing in the snow
Winter Snowman
a red fox is running through the snow
Oooomph ! (that's deep snow!) by Brian Sartor
Oooomph ! (that's deep snow!)
an image of ice formations in the snow
Quand la nature ressemble à s’y méprendre à des scènes de science-fiction
Mer Turquoise, Lac Baïkal, Russie Situé dans le sud de la Sibérie, le Lac Baïkal est l'un des plus anciens et des plus profonds de la planète. En hiver, ses eaux turquoise gèlent et sont ensevelies sous des blocs de glace. Lorsqu'au mois de mars, la fonte commence, le lac offre des visions irréelles de blocs congelés de couleur turquoise émergeant de la banquise
there are four different pictures with snowmen and cats in the middle one has a snowman
Love this winter mood board and especially the snowman standing on his head.
a squirrel is eating something in the snow
Maudelynn's Menagerie
Photo by Shibuya Sakura on Flickr. Gives a whole new meaning to "dining out."