
Ways to Celebrate Palm Sunday or Good Friday with Children in Worship and Special Events
Share your ideas about celebrating Ash Wednesday, Lent, Palm Sunday, Good Friday, or Easter, with CHILDREN, in worship, at home, or in a special event. Scroll down to the bottom and use the "Post Reply" button. If you are posting a LESSON idea that fits a specific Bible story, please post it in the correct Holy Week Bible story topical thread .
Interactive Prayer Stations on Pentecost III
Interactive prayer Stations to understand the Holy Spirit: question, wonder, receive
2014 Ash Wednesday
2014 Ash Wednesday | Lenten journey prayer station | Wash hands in bowl of sand to symbolize being connected to the earth; wash hands in bowl of water to begin anew.
Give and Take Bulletin Board
So much Twitter love from my post about my walls this year. Y’all know how to make a girl feel good! I don’t have my lesson plans ready, and am not entirely sure what I’m doing on…
samsung wallpaper music #Hintergrundbild #tapete – Galaxy Arts
samsung wallpaper music #Hintergrundbild #tapete samsung wallpaper music #Hintergrundbild #tapete... #Hintergrundbild #Music #samsung