
26 Pins
Coordenação motora
Coordenação motora é a capacidade do nosso corpo de fazer movimentos articulados e é resultado da interação entre os nossos sistemas muscular, esquelético, nervoso e sensorial.
Plakat - ZMYSŁY - Pomoce dydaktyczne - Miesięcznik - BLIŻEJ PRZEDSZKOLA
Plakat - ZMYSŁY - Scenariusze zajęć i artykuły - Miesięcznik - BLIŻEJ PRZEDSZKOLA
This is a very simple game with a dice and cards. Place all the cards face down. Children throw the dice in turns. They call out the part of the body they get. Then they they pick up a card and make a sentence with can or can't and the corresponding sense. Eg: (Dice: Nose. Card: Flowers.) They should say: "Nose. I can smell flowers". In that case, they get the card. But if when throwing the dice, they get "ear", the sentence should be: "I can't hear flowers&qu...
Φύλλα εργασίας για το νηπιαγωγείο : "Οι 5 μου αισθήσεις"
Το νέο νηπιαγωγείο που ονειρεύομαι : Ανθρώπινο σώμα - θεματική ενότητα στο νηπιαγωγείο
Fine motor threading activity using straws and cardboard tubes
kids have fun threading straws and cardboard tubes for fine motor #finemotor #finemotorplay #playideas #finemotorskills #cardboardtubes #straws #preschool #toddlerplay #toddler #toddlerplayideas #learnwithplay
DIY Sensory Blocks How To - Red Ted Art - Kids Crafts
DIY Sensory Blocks - a wonderful sensory toy for your little one, but wouldn't they be GREAT in speech therapy? Close your eyes, touch, now describe how it feels. Use your best vocabulary words for describing!
Tablitas de Texturas
Un pedido que va directo al salón de los niños de 4 años del colegio donde esta mi sobrinito. Tenia algunas tablas y decidí hacerlas co...
Brincadeiras para bebês com o que você tem em casa
brincadeiras para bebês
Hot pins: Creative pre-school crafts | #BabyCenterBlog