tanky a obrnene vozidla

31 Pins
Mariupol repair depot refurbishing large numbers of damaged tanks that will placed back into service
Tapatalk - Connecting Communities
The unpainted (at least no SG) turret is fixed (unfortunately it´s not clearly visible what´s the hulls condition):
Неудачливые "короли" танковых баталий
История создания и эксплуатации танков Pz.Kpfw.VI Ausf. B "Tiger II" ("Королевский тигр")
Great pic of a panther. Love this.
Despite an increase in weapons production in 1944, German industry had difficulty supplying German forces preparing for the Ardennes offensive.
German tank production line. German tank production kept pace right up to the end of the war. At the end, the Allies discovered tank parks with multitudes of tanks parked under camo nets. The problem was that they had no optics to aim and fire them, no gasoline to drive them and no trains to move them to the front any longer. From the assembly line right to the scrap yard, although 100s of German tanks were still in use worldwide until the 1960s and the Israelis still keep some operational.
Hetzers in the Skoda factory. Still waiting for the main gun to be fitted.
Military and Aviation
thebeautyandthehorror: PzKpfw VI Tiger I heavy tanks being built in a factory in Germany, 1944
War Machines: The Failure of German Mechanization in WWII
Warfare History Network » War Machines: The Failure of German Mechanization in WWII