
22 Pins
Natures Doorways
Blue jellyfish or Bluefire jellyfish... scientific name Cyanea lamarcki, is usually found off the coast of Scotland, in the North Sea and in the Irish Sea, and can measure ten to 20cm across
Nicebleed -- worx - ShockBlast
These jellyfish I have to create in glass. I see them in Rockport, Texas all the time. Great inspiration for one of my glass lampwork beads or even a sculpture...hhmmm....
"He too was once like you" she says swinging her white curls over her shoulder, "what happened to him?" I ask. Silence gazes at his silhouette through the darkness with a look in her eyes that's almost haunting for a child, "man happened. Humanity tore him apart and now in return he slowly breaks them."
Olga Farmaki Photos by Nikos Vasilakis
Olga Farmaki by Nikos Vasilakis - underwater photography x
10 Mesmerizing Photos Of Ink Underwater
Italian artist and photographer Alberto Seveso captures surreal and ethereal images of ink underwater.
High-Speed Photographs of Ink Dropped into Water
high speed photographs of ink in water alberto seveso
High speed photos of ink dropped in water
High speed photos of ink dropped in water
Underwater Ink Photographs by Alberto Seveso — Colossal
Underwater Ink Photographs by Alberto Seveso
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Underwater / by Lane Coder