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Useful Formal and Informal Expressions in English • 7ESL
Useful Formal and Informal Expressions in English - 7 E S L
Useful Expressions for Asking for and Giving Directions in English
You will find these English expressions useful if you are lost or want to get to a particular place or give directions to others.
Collections with get - learning GO
Collections with get - #Collections
Что выбрать, когда речь идет о транспорте: get on или get in?
Что выбрать, когда речь идет о транспорте: get on или get in? | как я выучил английский | Яндекс Дзен
CBD17B0E-FE27-4B14-86B3-50D814F5E426 - learning GO
CBD17B0E-FE27-4B14-86B3-50D814F5E426 - #CBD17B0EFE274B1486B350D814F5E426
15 science-backed ways to stay focused all day
Take a break - No one can stay focused all day - so take time out, preferably a sensory rather than a cerebral break in some way. In reality most people can concentrate for 45-50 minutes maximum, before losing concentration or efficiency......... so take time out to be more efficient & reduce stress too.