Lego + Tabor

33 Pins
FREE Social Emotional Learning Digital Spinner + Printable Conversation Cube! Great for School, Home
Teacahers, School Counselors, Parents! Your students, young ones will love this FREE Getting to Know You Social Emotional Learning Digital Spinner. You can use this spinner for both distance learning and in-person classroom morning meetings, community building, classroom guidance lessons, lunch bunches, small groups, and individual counseling. Comes in Google Slides™, PowerPoint™, and printable versions.
WholeHearted School Counseling
WholeHearted School Counseling
1.1M views · 7.8K reactions | SPIDER PEN GAME 🕸️🕷️🙃❤️📝 Youth Night games with Alexa TenederoJoahana Marie Navarro ArceoPatrick Jaime ArceoMarco Angelo S. CastroDwayne EdriellePaul Cedrick ArceoTrisha Zarate EscalonaNikka Lumboy DayritJeans BrincesJian Izzy SampangJoash Hon Lopez CuaDelubio JasonKyle Corbadura Jamaica CorbaduraKeisha Eunice Acuesta MallariChedylyn SantosCherielhaiza Santos Honey D. CuaVincent David #Youthubers #YouthGames | Jireh Faith Cua
Got Stress? Make Your Own Stress Ball!
A fun way for kids to get rid of the grumpies - help them make a homemade stress ball for squeezing away those frustrations!