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Beautiful, and I mean B e a u t i f u l - this GIFT WRAPPING idea will change the whole gift wrap 'competition' for you! Just look at this simple brown paper and the way that the flowers drastically improve the look of this gift... The best gift wrap idea you'll ever find - INCREDIBLY well done! #diygiftwrapping #brownpapergifts #giftwrappingideas #presentwrapping #christmasgiftwraps #christmasgiftwrapping #giftwraps #creativegiftwrapping #beautifulgiftswrapping
Nevešajte na dvere veniec, stačí len zviazať pár konárov a postaviť pred dvere – nič viac: 19 úchvatných jarných nápadov!
Eu sei que hoje é segunda mas olha só essa ideia de bar feita com paletes de madeira que bacana! Fonte: #ideiasdiferentes Confiram também o perfil @decor.ativa do #grupojsmais