Funny about horses

40 Pins
I have had horses jump bounce jumps as oxers and raised caveletti as bounce jumps
...just a dump of stuff.
...just a dump of stuff.
So true! this is how u are supposed to hold our reins and i grab things like this without thinking about it
This could not be any more true!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You are not a nervous rider, you are excited - Dressage
Horse eating flowers! Oh good grief! I'm totally ruined!
Beware I Ride Horses Western Typography Stencil | Stencil Me In
Beware I Ride Horses Western Typography Stencil | Stencil Me In
Hey, I found this really awesome Etsy listing at www.etsy
Hey, I found this really awesome Etsy listing at www.etsy/ #Funny-Shirts #Funnyshirts
True. Let's see.....My trainer.......and MAYBE a friend...while they are on a lead rope.
Database Connection Issue
Having just returned from a week long excursion in CA with the ponies, I can indeed attest to the shoddy packing job that seems to happen when faced with the prospect of FINALLY being done traveling. :/