Tips 'n Tricks

20 Pins
14 Amazing Uses For Coconut Oil for Personal Hygiene - Stay at Home Mum
Coconut Oil for Personal Hygiene = deodorant, moisturizer, sunscreen, conditioner, scars/stretchmarks, and exfoliater!
It's Official: Coconut Oil Really Can Do Everything
10 Recipes for Homemade Coconut Oil Beauty Products
8 Ways to Make High Heel Shoes Comfortable
We'll take all of the ways! How do you make heels more comfortable (other than not wearing them..) ;)
Tried it! Evening Primrose Oil
Helps with hormonal acne, PMS, weight control, chronic headaches, menopause, endometriosis, joint pain, diabetes, eczema,..
15 Confidence-Boosting Songs to Pump You Up Before an Interview (Or Hot Dog Eating Contest, Or Whatever)
15 songs to boost your confidence - songs to add to workout playlist. #Fitgirlcode #song #workout
50 Uses for Coconut Oil
Uses for Coconut Oil - In the kitchen, beauty and skin care treatments, make your own baby products, treat ailments and over 50 more creative uses
Makeup | StyleCaster
I wonder how many of these "tips and tricks" pins I've pinned, by now I should know all the tricks
Infographic: Rev Your Metabolism for Weight Loss
Here are some tips to help you rev up your metabolism!