
12 Pins
Skinny Legs Workout | Slim & Toned Legs for Summer
Get slim, shapely legs and thighs with this 29 minute skinny legs workout. An at home summer routine to tone your lower body and help you get lean, strong and sexy legs fast!
5 minutes lose belly pooch workouts ! Challenge a friend by tagging them #female6packguide:
Shape, Lift & Firm Brazilian Butt Workout
Want to know the secret to a perfect booty? Try this 30 minute sculpting and lifting Brazilian butt workout. Shape and firm your glutes and thighs fast!
30 Day workout plan for your butt and abs | #site_title
30-Day butt and abs workout challenge you can do from home!
Upper Body Dumbbell Exercises | Biceps, Triceps & Shoulders Workout
Get rid of arm fat and tone sleek muscles with the help of these dumbbell exercises. Sculpt, tone and firm your biceps, triceps and shoulders in no time!