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12 Pins
"Bollywood Bliss" by Jane Spolar (from The Quilter Magazine June/July 2012 issue)
Friday Inspiration - The Quilt Index
This amazing mosaic quilt was hand pieced (using English template piecing) by Albert Small in the 1930's. Mr. Small was an explosives handler at an Illinois quarry with an obvious talent at piecing!
This is Quilting? I think So? All I know is it's really FUN! Weaving Fabric Strips! - Page 2 of 3
Rami Kim shows a technique from her new AQS book Elegant Cotton Wool Silk Quilts. How she weaves fabric strips to make everything from Quilts to bags and even clothing. Tumbling blocks quilt pattern can be difficult to get all the points just right, but with Rami Kim’s technique of weaving at a 30 degree angle …