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Monkey Puppet Printable
What a silly little monkey puppet. Print this monkey craft template and entertain your kids. This craft for kids is great to do in the classroom (preschoolers love these puppets as well as kindergarteners) as well as an rainy day activity.
11 modelos de SOUPLAST feito em crochê. Dica: pode ser usad
11 modelos de SOUPLAST feito em crochê. Dica: pode ser usado como centrinhos
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Surprise Big Mouth Dog Printable
Coolest little dog craft for kids to make. Print the dog craft template, color it in and make your fun big mouth animal. This is a perfect rainy day activity that will entertain both big kids and small.
Mermaid Puppet Printable
How fun is this printable mermaid puppet. If you are looking for a fun mermaid craft for kids this one is the coolest one to make. Great dramatic play prop and works well with story time.
Surprise Big Mouth Cat Printable
Who is a nice kitty? Our Surprise Big Mouth Cat Printable kitty! This fun little activity for kids combines coloring with an interactive paper toy that kids will enjoy bot making and playing with. And it’s also pretty cute! Cute cat craft for kids to make