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Whitepeopletwitter priscilla page BEE but that's........ that's the book. that's what the book is about Snowflake students claim Frankenstein's monster was 'misunderstood' - and is in fact a VICTIM mythosphere chrisflemingslegs Victor Frankenstein: I've created life but I refuse to put any effort into helping that life develop. I won't teach him, love him, or defend him even though I forced him into existence with a fully operational adult brain lol. Peace, bitch. The Monster: Am Eloquent Baby Boomers: He'S NOt thE ViCtIM, HE's tHe MOnsTEr an-ace-up-your-sleeve An ironic parallel considering the idea of "tough love" parenting that plenty of boomers like to use. If they buy into the idea that their kids just have to toughen up and face the real world without guidance or emotional support, I'm sure it does scare them to read a story where someone who wasn't given any support began to resent their creator and turn on them. firelxdykatara it's like that post that's like 'knowledge is knowing that frankenstein is the doctor; wisdom is Knowing that frankenstein is the monster'. like the whole point of the post is that frankenstein's monster is a victim of viktor frankenstein's own monstrosity. mary shelley did not lose her virginity on her mother's grave just for people to misunderstand her best known work over a century later. cockyroaches 142,528 notes > O BB - iFunny