larp napady

16 Pins
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Awesome Celtic headpiece for a themed renaissance wedding, LOTR cosplay, or just looking classy!
Rebel Pilot Pinup Cosplay
Rebel Pilot Pinup Cosplay : The force is strong with Missy who looks amazing in her Star Wars pinup inspired Rebel Pilot photoshoot!
the oracle machine is on sabbatical
So I’ve been asked more than a few times how I made the fins for Undyne, and I actually compiled a tutorial to our facebook cosplay page a while ago. Full instructions under the cut, or you can go to...
lily’s 5th. {party decor}
Cute seaweed tutorial for mermaid party. Would be cool to leave 1-2 feet of clear thread on top and have the seaweed extend to the ground, so it looks like it is growing upwards.
Bronze Dragon Scale Celtic Shoulder Piece by JAFantasyArt on DeviantArt
Bronze Dragon Scale Celtic Shoulder Piece by on @deviantART
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Dragon Skin Gloves, Scale Half Gauntlets Phoenix fire Red, Orange, Gold and Silver With Leather Buckle
Iara, Lady of the Waters by miss-hena on DeviantArt
(Lara, Lady of the Waters) - In Brazil there is folklore about Iara, who is a mermaid or a water nymph depending on the context or story. Lara means something like Lady of the Lake or Water Queen. According to legend she is an immortal freshwater nymph in the appearance of a beautiful young woman with green hair and light skin who sits on a rock by the river combing her hair or dozing under the sun. When she feels a man around she sings to gently to lure him to her, to live out his life w...
Siren blue by telthona on DeviantArt
Siren blue by telthona armor clothes clothing fashion player character npc | Create your own roleplaying game material w/ RPG Bard: | Writing inspiration for Dungeons and Dragons DND D&D Pathfinder PFRPG Warhammer 40k Star Wars Shadowrun Call of Cthulhu Lord of the Rings LoTR + d20 fantasy science fiction scifi horror design | Not Trusty Sword art: click artwork for source
Elven Nuno Felted Green Leaf Cape - Etsy
Elven Nuno Felted Green Leaf Cape by folkowl on Etsy, $120.00
Cute Outfits Dresses & Pretty Looks -
Mermaid Makeup | Dress up like a mermaid this Halloween with this makeup tutorial. | Best makeup tutorials from #MakeupTutorials #youresopretty
The Hair Bow Company (Cute Bows & Boutique Clothing)
just hand and braid strands , and put clear plastic elastic around the ends .