Emilia Clarke

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not a queen, a khaleesi
“There’s a Dany in every one of us and to have the opportunity to dress up so archetypically female, with her long, wavy blonde hair, and have that sense of being genuinely badass at the same time — it’s amazing.” (Emilia Clarke for i-D Magazine)
Game of Thrones Daily: Photo
Emilia Clarke
Adoring Emilia Clarke: Photo
Adoring Emilia Clarke : Photo Más
Fuck Yeah Emilia Clarke: Photo
Emilia literally has THE best smile in human existence. It lights up the the world and its skies ❤️❤️
Fuck Yeah Emilia Clarke
"¿Qué te pusiste para la fiesta?" "Un vestidito negro. Nada demasiado vistoso", le mentí.