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114 Pins
Angel Doily pattern by Martha Ess
5 dc = 1/2 inch, 4 dc rows = 1 inch, 9 dc rows = 2 inches
I've seen so many different types of christmas trees made with doilies, and I couldn't decide which one to share, so I thought it might be nice if I shared several simple Lace Doily Christmas Tree Ideas with you
Angel Doily pattern by Martha Ess
Ravelry: Angel Doily pattern by Connie Ellison
Crochet square 42x42cm #barroconatural thread 10 - my ideas - my blog - Welcome to Blog
Crochet square 42x42cm #barroconatural thread 10 - my ideas - my blog - Welcome to Blog
26 amazing things for the home that is easy to crochet - California decor ideas | Create comfort together
26 amazing things for the home that is easy to crochet | California decor ideas | Create comfort together
Schöne Deko-Schwäne - Fingerkunst mit eigenen Händen...
3D Schwan aus 2 Hälften selber häkeln. Die Größe individuell nach Wunsch. Material: Häkelnadel 1,10 mm Häkelgarn 100 g /∼ 560 m Abkürzungen: Lfm = Luftmasche fM= feste Masche aufn. =aufnehmen- in das Loch 2 feste Maschen häkeln abn. = abnehmen – 2 Feste Maschen zusammenhäkeln Rd = Runde Rh= Reihe dopp. Stb. = Doppelstäbchen Km … Schöne Deko-Schwäne weiterlesen
DIY - Butterfly In Quilling Techniques❤️💫💫
Your day just got better with this tip: "DIY - Butterfly In Quilling Techniques❤️💫💫"