
26 Pins
Creative Stone Art Ideas for your Garden
Reminds me of the stone barn and tower in Stone City and what I'd expect to find in the garden there.
Stump Succulent Planter- repurpose an old stump in to a planter for your favorite succulents. NEED TO DO THIS
15 DIY Ideas For Sprucing Up Your Backyard
Grow Herbs, Veggies or Ornamental Flowers with Triolife Plant Pyramid
Live Streaming Bola,badminton,sports,tv
Garden DIY Porch Pondthinking i might get an extra large planter just for this! i just have to keep all the freaking frogs out!
Creative Home Herb Garden Ideas
I really like this idea. I couldn't find any information on the website for this particular design (what is it made of? PVC??)
DIY: Mod Cinder Block Wall Planters
do this on the retaining wall to add interest... but will people bump their legs too much?
Chandelier Planter Tutorial - DIY Show Off ™ - DIY Decorating and Home Improvement Blog
Chandelier Planter Tutorial - DIY Show Off ™ - DIY Decorating and Home Improvement Blog
Topsy-Turvey Herb Garden | From Dates to Diapers™
Another Topsy-Turvey Herb Garden - nice! Love the clay pot contrasting the green plant leaves.
Tower of Herbs
DIY Herb Tower: Situate this compact herb garden in a sunny spot near the kitchen door for easy snipping.
Private Site
Pallet planter for herbs this would be great with a rental house.
Engelstalige uitleg hoe je hortensia vermeerder door takken te poten. Foto geplaatst door mtvanmil op
Engelstalige uitleg hoe je hortensia vermeerder door takken te poten
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Birch Tea light candle holder Set of Five, Rustic Natural Birch Logs,Wedding table decor. $18.00, via Etsy.