
(I hope not the shitty ones)
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Prečo pôjde voliť Rado Ondřejíček?
Čím som starší, tým menej dôležitosti prikladám politike. V deň pádu Radičovej vlády som prišiel k presvedčeniu, že nemá cenu vkladať do politikov nádej, angažovať sa v ich veciach, akokoľvek ich podporovať alebo k nim cítiť sympatie (v tomto sa celkom bavím, keď ma ľudia podozrievajú, že niekomu v Oblude držím stranu).
“I grew up in a blue collar family. My dad was a printer—a union guy. So he didn’t have the financial resources to pay for my college or law school. I had to make my own way. I flipped burgers during the week for frat guys at the Student Union. I covered my tuition by spending my summers in the Marine reserves. I’m trying to make sure my kids don’t have to do all that stuff. I want them to be able to backpack through Europe, or volunteer in Central America. Meaningful stuff. If my son wants to
The National - About Today http://songmeanings.com/songs/view/3530822107859331911/
the person standing / beside you, point at this / billboard, has brought you / here because it was too hard / to say "I am sorry" out loud.
Remember now the still and quiet places. Remember that they were here long before you, and shall remain long after you are no more. That you are but a small light passing briefly through the infinite darkness.
Why A Love Story Is Worth Living Even With A Bad Ending | Artparasites – How Art You Today?
I personally think that love does not last for 3 years, or 10 or 100. Real love, consuming and hungry and wild and tender, lasts beyond the boundaries of a relationship. It breaks hearts, bad habits and it changes lifestyles. And that’s when it grows into a better, bigger, more generous love. The only real issue with this deal is the persistence of memories.
When we talked, I talked about me, you talked about you, when we should have talked about each other. -- Michel to Patricia (Breathless) Jean-Luc Godard
Some think love can be measured by the amount of butterflies in their tummy. Others think love can be measured in bunches of flowers, or by using the words ‘for ever.’ But love can only truly be measured by actions. It can be a small thing, such as peeling an orange for a person you love because you know they don’t like doing it. - Marian Keyes
Words that tingle. A hands-on approach to sexting | Artparasites – How Art You Today?
Put aside the subject matter for a moment, forget about what you already know about sexual intercourse. You are not quite having sex, just fantasizing about it. Think of it as a prelude for things to come. Move in rocking motion, in rhythm with each other’s words. Go slower, faster, deeper, spring your heart free. Take a big load off your chest and onto your lover’s, as it comes. Foreplay should always be unrushed, savored to the utmost. The ball is in your court. Be a team player.
Dear Women, Here's What A Man Thinks About How It Is To Love You | Artparasites – How Art You Today?
Dear Women, Don’t think a man is made just to love. A man needs to be loved too A man is not love’s employee Ready to fill your voids, Turn your nightmares into sweet dreams.