Summer Camp Ideas

12 Pins
DIY Cork Sailboat In A Jar
Spring Kids Craft; DIY Cork Sailboat In A Jar. •°•°•° Lente Kinder Knutsel; Een Zeilbootje van Kurk in een Potje :-D
Want To Challenge Your Kids? · Kix Cereal
Want To Challenge Your Kids? How inventive are your kids? Challenge them to create a boat using only the things in this picture!
12 Knots Every Outdoorsman Should Know How To Tie
How To Tie A Knot For Fishing, Sailing - Knowing how to tie a good knot can get you out a lot of tricky situations.
35+Craft Stick Crafts - Easy Crafts for Kids - Red Ted Art - Kids Crafts
*20 Craft Stick Crafts (or Lollipop Stick Crafts!)* We love crafting with all sorts of materials... and craft sticks are that "classic" material that most kids' craft packs contain. Here are some ideas of what to do with them!
DIY - Where every kid is a creator!
Self-propelled Toy Boat made by Bowl Dart - DIY
Easy Cork Boats - Pirate Ships - Red Ted Art
Easy (Pirate) Cork Boats - these little cork boats are super quick to make (takes minutes) and float REALLY well. Make them using craft foam for sails and you can have hours of water play in the garden. A great craft for Summer.
Coloriages et activités à imprimer de la Bretagne : chevaliers, petit peuple et magie celtique
Coloriages et activités à imprimer de la Bretagne : chevaliers, petit peuple et magie celtique -
Popsicle Stick Boat Craft Ideas for Kids
Popsicle Stick Boat Craft Ideas for Kids
Cork Sail Boats - Frogs and Fairies
DIY Cute Cork Sail Boats - Simple and FUN play for summertime!