Shopping park logo

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Make Logos, Business Cards, Social Designs and More | BrandCrowd
This works well for me in saying healthy because the basket and the abstract fruit to me say healthy shopping.
Cart Code E-Market Logo
Cart Code E-Market Logo – This logo perfectly used for online retail businesses, retail shop, shopping apps and any businesses related to shopping as well. Unique Logo Concept. Suitable for shops, markets, supermarkets, e-market, e-shops, stores different use. Also ideal for programmers and web developers and other Your creative ideas.
Cycle Cart Logo
Cycle Cart Logo ---------------------------------------------- bargain, basket, blue, business, cart, commerce, cycle, dealing, e-shop, eshop, fast, firm, green, illustrator, logo, logo icon, logotype, market, outlet, share, shop, shopping, stock, store, trade, vector, website element
Point Shop Logo
Point Shop Logo ------------------------------------------------------ bargain, basket, business, cart, commerce, Commercial Centre, e-shop, eshop, green, internet logo, logo icon, logotype, marketplace, online business, online store, pin, place, point, professional, sale, shop, shop point, shopping cart, Shopping center, solution, stock, store, trade, website
Happy Shop Logo
Happy Shop Logo (JPG Image, Vector EPS, AI Illustrator, Resizable, CS, app logo, bag, business, buy, cart, cheap, colorful, deal, discount, e-commerce, ecommerce, internet, mall, market, media, offer, online, online store, order, price, retail, sales, sell, service, shop, shopping, store, tag, tags, website)
City Store Logo
City Store Logo Template Vector EPS, AI. Download here: