
38 Pins
Vipp Shelter is a minimalist prefabricated house designed by Danish design company Vipp. It's a full package - from architecture to furniture to tableware, everything has been picked in advance to allow you to move in as soon as you're ready. This unconventional approach to the idea of housing granted the house the prestigious Wallpaper*…
House on the Castle Mountainside by Fran Silvestre Arquitectos
Light is folded like Origami into shadows on the form and we have a dynamic house interacting with the environment. Nothing fancy to attract our attention, but within a day we will look and look again. Within a year who knows?
Turner House - | Arquitetura de interiores, Arquitetura contemporanea, Design de casa
Turner House - freadman white
LG House by Thirdstone | HomeAdore
LG House by Thirdstone. Pretty, but everyone would be watching you sleep.
Karawitz Architecture
karawitz // year: 2011 Surface: 155 m² shab budget: Private certification Passivhaus consumption: 14kW / m² a
Blood & Champagne v3.0
B L O O D A N D C H A M P A G N E / Get started on liberating your interior design at Decoraid (