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DIY Spring Birds from toilet rolls!⁠
When all is gray and cold, colourful tweetybirds will brighten your day. Toilet paper rolls are a fantastic, simple craft base, and best of all: you already have them at home. Get in the habit of saving toilet paper rolls so that you always have a base to start from. Here, we turned them into beautiful birds using a bit of paint and Allround Markers. Paint and decorate the birds from your imagination!
Create a Cardboard Box Car - Frugal Fun For Boys and Girls
Create a Cardboard Box Car - Frugal Fun For Boys and Girls
Have you heard of the Road to Recovery? It's an American Cancer Society program that pairs volunteer drivers with patients needing transportation to/from treatment. At Relay For Life, we have a Road to Recovery Race. Teams make cars out of cardboard, plastic, wood, etc., big enough for 2 people and race them. Don't miss out! Make a car, decorate it, bring it to Relay, show it off, then race it to win! Want to volunteer to be a Road to Recovery Driver? Call 1-800-227-2345.
A easy way to draw a fir tree 🌲✏️
Drawing tree / Drawing method / Easy sketch / Learn to draw / Drawing tutorial / step-by-step drawing tutorial / Nature / tree / artroom