44 Pins
"Sea World" on the Earth. Xalapa. Mexico
libutron: “ Favolaschia sp. Favolaschia (Mycenaceae) is a genus of usually small, mushroom-like basidiomycetes that occur worldwide, especially in the tropics. Members of the genus are often characterized by their poroid hymenophore. This genus...
Cold water Reefs -An abundant life support system.
Incredible variety of life adorn the wall at Browning Pass, Port Hardy
The Wakatobi Experience…..the first verstodigital photographs…
Elysia crispata
#Nudibranch - Elysia crispata. This is a live animal that looks like a puff of tulle. T. Keller
Yellow Tube Sponge
Yellow Tube Sponge
Ramariopsis pulchella
Clavaria zollingeri | by Echidna Charlie