
22 Pins
This is not completely mine. Me and mine 8 year old cousin did this painting. I helped him with drawing and guided him with painting. This little dude did it really good. Guys leave a comment I would really appreciate it & this little artist would be also very happy.
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How to make ice-cream sticks paintings - Simple Craft Ideas
How to make ice-cream sticks paintings courtesy: stranamasterov
30 Artesanatos com rolinhos de papel higiênico
Reciclando rolo de papel higienico para fazer artesanato e objetos de decoração para a casa.
Time to DIY: Mode, Home Déco et Développement Durable
Faire sa propre étoile de noël pour votre sapin
Cut a small x into the Ping pong balls, and pop them over the bulbs - ruggedthug
Cut a small x into the Ping pong balls, and pop them over the bulbs - Great Idea!