
9 Pins
How to Reupholster a Chair
Step by Step guide to reupholstering a chair with photos. Come check it out at Provident Home Design!
A dresser makeover with spray paint – Green With Decor
What a fun DIY dresser makeover with spray paint and new hardware. I can’t believe the transformation! | Green With Decor
Ako si vyrobiť z dvoch starých stoličiek, krásnu lavičku
Máte dve staré stoličky a rozmýšlate, že by ste ich vyhodili? Vyrobte si z nich krásnu lavičku. Skvelý spôsob ako sa zbaviť nepotrebných stoličiek. Aj toto je dôkazom toho, že stačí byť trochu kreatívny a môžete byť inšpiráciou pre ostatných.
Free Shipping Can Replicate sold Black and White Striped Vintage Round Wing Back Chair With Turquoise Velvet Gold Nailhead Trim - Etsy
Sold Black and White striped Vintage Round Wing Back by Element20
작지만 알찬 집
눈이 트이는 공간30대 부부와 초등학생 딸이 사는 집. 20평대 주거형 오피스텔로 주방과 거실이 연결되어 있고 아이와 부부 방, 화장실 등의 형태로 이루어져 있다. “넓은 평수가
Thrift Store Hutch Makeover | Confessions of a Serial Do-it-Yourselfer
Thrift Store Hutch made over with Behr's Gray Morning (mixed 50/50 with white) made into chalk paint from confessionsofaserialdiyer.com