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Reste avec moi ; J’me dis que si un jour tu me donnes une seconde chance, je ferais tout pour rester avec toi...
吉泽明步真实记录爆操女神小姐姐被按在床上爆操(完整版已上传下面简界) - v5899
Twilight breaking dawn bella's engagement ring replica sterling silver
Tonner Dolls & Doll Playsets for sale | eBay
OMG.. if i had alot of money....OOAK Vampire DIARIES1864 Damon Salvatore Doll Repaint by Noel Cruz.
Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart (early Twilight photoshoot)
Twilight characters Photo: Random Eclipse Pics
Alice was held in a mental asylum because of her ability to have visions. There she was the favorite of a vampire who worked in the building. James, a hunter vampire, decided to hunt her simply because another vampire desired her. Once it was clear to him that James was after her, he, the vampire who worked in the asylum, freed Alice and changed her before James could kill her. James killed the other vampire instead. She had no memory of these events and was left to find her own way.