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Aino is a Japanese nickname; and it is always applied by them to the Ainu when they speak of them. It is a term they anciently used to express their contempt for them, and has by degrees come into common use. The word Aino means 'mongrel' or 'half-breed,' and has reference to a degrading Japanese tradition, which describes the descent of the Ainu from a human being and a dog.
【悲報】ヴォイテク(兵隊クマ)、もうめちゃくちゃwwwwwww : 不思議.net - 5ch(2ch)まとめサイト
「【悲報】ヴォイテク(兵隊クマ)、もうめちゃくちゃwwwwwww」の画像 : 不思議.net - 5ch(2ch)まとめサイト
Ainu chieftain
Wearing an embroidered kimono made from elm bark fibre. Image taken from the book People of all Nations.
Beauty Standards From The Most Remote Locations
CTech - Beauty Standards From The Most Remote Locations
Histoire: le Japon et l'art du tatouage japonais
ainous france japon tatouage japonais
In a Historic First, Australia Agrees to Return Ainu Remains to Japan
Une beauté à donner le frisson: les sourires éternels des femmes Aïnou
Une beauté à donner le frisson: les sourires éternels des femmes Aïnou - Russia Beyond FR
The Ainu: The little-known indigenous people of Japan and Russia | The Vintage News
The Ainu: The little-known indigenous people of Japan and Russia - The Vintage News
History Daily
20 Vintage Portraits of Japanese Ainu Women With Their Traditional Tattooed Lips | History Daily