
60 Pins
Awesome Pictures Of Jets Smashing The Sound Barrier
supersonic jet | Awesome Pictures Of Jets Smashing The Sound Barrier - Business Insider
David Reimann | 2012 Bridges Conference | Mathematical Art Galleries
All the digits of pi visualized on one page David Reimann | Bridges Math Art Galleries
This is an extremely effective and intricate typographic design. The artist must have spent a lot of time finding words and phrases that describe Einstein and spent even more time arranging the text. I like that the artist just used black and white (and shades of grey) and the same font since the design already has so much to it. I love the detail of the design especially now such small strands of hair are words.
Old Picture of the Day
This is a picture of Thomas Edison as a young man. He is shown with his recording device. It was on this day, November 21, in the year 1877 that Thomas Edison announced the invention of the phonograph.
Auguste and Louis Lumière - Wikipedia
Auguste and Louis Lumiere - Developers of the cinematographe, a three-in-one device that could record, develop, and project motion pictures.
Einstein was once asked how it felt to be the smartest man alive. Eintein's reply was "I don't know, you'll have to ask Nikola Tesla."
10 INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT THE UNIVERSE p.1 My first try with these, please be gentle guys... - Gaming
10 INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT THE UNIVERSE p.1 My first try with these, please be gentle guys...