Robert Pettinson

21 Pins
Ah...the tiny smirk. Makes my heart go stupid.
InRobWeLust: Photo
InRobWeLust: one man.. two differents souls..
New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents
Faşist orospu çocuğu!!!! Düzelt durumu!!!! BEN YAPMIYORUM SİZ YAPICAKSINIZ!!!! Yoksa herkes rezaletinizi öğrenir!!! Borcumu ödeyip gidicem burdan!!!! Senin köyünden bıktım artık!!!!
RobPattinson: Photo
“How can anyone look this good and still be legal? Perhaps he’s not legal” (FSOG).
Love the scene where he first walks in! ((sigh))❤ I could watch that scene a thousand times!
Robert Pattinson. Me gusta su perfil bajo. Creo que los verdaderos artistas no son mediáticos.