
15 Easy and Cheap DIY Projects to Make Your Home a Better Place
Do you want to make your home a better place for living? Don’t want to spend much on buying new stuff for your home? Then this article is for you. We bring you creative DIY ideas on how to reuse and upcycle old stuff you already have to make beautiful and useful things for your home. Most of these ideas are easy and cheap to make and can be done as a small weekend project.
MENTŐÖTLET - kreáció, újrahasznosítás
MENTŐÖTLET - kreáció, újrahasznosítás
Use beads instead of buttons...finally find a use for all those old mismatched beads maybe?
Ideias criativas para reutilizar CD’s antigos
Lembra quando acumulávamos dezenas de CD’s de programas e jogos de computador ou de músicas que gravávamos para ouvir no carro (na era pré-iPods e pré-mp3)? Pois esses CD’s muito provavelmente ainda existem em algum cantinho da sua casa escondidos em algumas caixas ou gavetas. Para ajudá-lo a dar um destino criativo a todos eles,...<br /><a class="more-link" href="https://economize.catracalivre.com.br/faca-voce-mesmo/ideias-criativas-para-reutilizar-cds-antigos/">Continue lendo »</a>
Distress Watercolor Dry Embossing
glue gun/PVA and draw the design.... wait to dry, then follow the pictures
Creative Ideas - DIY Wall Art From Old CDs - i Creative Ideas
Früher hat man das mal mit Papier und Wachs in der Grundschule gemacht. Jetzt nimmt man alte oder ausrangierte CDs um Kratzbilder als Wandschmuck herzustellen :: DIY Wall Art From Old CDs #craft #recycle #decors