
19 Pins
just something i want to draw.. #jimin #btsjimin #filter #bts #army
Colourful CD Art Mobiles 2
Recycled CDs, painted with acrylic paints on each side of this mobile using the bloom technique on a spinner. 4 CDs on each mobile, painted front and back of CD Coloured bell at the bottom of each strand CDs joined with stainless steel rings 3 Coates of Exterior varnish used on each CD This mobile can be hung outside UNDER COVER, or in any room inside that needs a pop of whimsical and colour.
CD paintings
cd cd art cd collection recycling recycling old cds cd wall art cd painting recycling old cd dvds cd painting ideas easy cd painting ideas cd aesthetics cd aesthetic wall cd painting cd art recycling craft ideas art art drawings art painting art prints arts and crafts art wallpaper art print art drawings sketches art drawings beautiful art design art paintings arte art aesthetic art projects art ideas art sketches art inspiration art wall art style art quotes art quote art drawings