
11 Pins
Knit vs Purl - the difference between these basic stitches [+diagram]
Knit vs Purl - the difference between these basic stitches [+diagram]
Simple Seed Knit Stitch Pattern
This Simple Seed Stitch is a vintage knitting pattern with a Stockinette background punctuated with alternating rows of raised purl stitches. #StudioKnit #knitstitchpattern #knittingpattern #easyknitting #simpleseed #seedstitch
How to Knit the Double Moss Stitch Pattern
This Double Moss Knit Stitch Pattern is perfect to knit up a cozy pillow, blanket, hat, or scarf. Another variation on the Seed and Irish Moss stitches, check out this sweet and simple textured pattern achieved by a 4-row repeat of knit and purl stitches for beginning knitters. Get FREE Knitting Pattern, Chart, Photos, and Video Tutorial by Studio Knit. #StudioKnit #knittingpattern #knitstitchpattern #knitting #freepattern
How to Knit the IRISH MOSS Stitch Pattern with Studio Knit
The Seersucker Stitch Knitting Pattern creates textured rows of raised puckered diamonds with an easy 8-Row Repeat of knits and purls.
Chart of the Seersucker Stitch Knitting Pattern creates textured rows of raised puckered diamonds with an easy 8-Row Repeat of knits and purls. #StudioKnit #knitstitchpattern #seersucker #seersuckerstitch #knittingchart