
79 Pins
The Perfect World. Welcome \O/
I am always learning there are more ways than one to get to any given destination whether it is a psychical place or an emotional state of being. I have learned to keep an open mind heart with the additional knowing that we are not meant to know all the mysteries of life; I rely on my inner knowing to guide me in the unknown that is uniquely mine to discover. .~ Lisa Salaz
Night time gifts..... | My Photo
Ah sunsets, my love for you has it's foundation in my very genetic make-up. For millions of generations you have been good and beautiful to my ancestors, as you are to me. :3
Not sure what tupe of plant these are that sun is shining off of. Bit they are beautiful!
Lightning illuminates a cumulonimbus cloud over Corio Bay, Victoria, Australia
Lightning illuminates a cumulonimbus cloud over Corio Bay, Victoria, Australia | HoHo Pics