
Cells, macro cells
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Picture of Hibiscus, Macro Picture of Cell Structure of a plant, Section Cut Microscopic Nature, closeup plant life , microscope, Mikroskopisch
Microscopic image of the cross section through a stem of a sun...
Microscopic Image of a Sunflower
Dave Bullock / eecue
[][][] Hydrilla Verticillata
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Simple wood. Good for houses, fuel, making shade and keeping fruit off the ground. Great invention made from water and CO2 by sunlight for a very long time. Intelligent man still can't make it.
Free stock photos - Rgbstock - Free stock images | Lime tree - microscopic view 1
Lime tree - microscopic view 1: Cross-section view of linden's stalk; magnification 100, 500, 1000 x
Vascular bundle of a Fern Rhizome
Beyond the Human Eye
This cross section of the stem of a soybean seedling from a wonderful place --
Golgi complex in olfactory bulb cell - Stock Image - G460/0074
Golgi apparatus of eukaryotic cells functions in protein synthesis. I loved my molecular biology class and love this photo. Now, how to incorporate cell structure and cellular functions for my class?
Dave Bullock / eecue
Pumpkin Stem. Can I please buy a microscope so I can just stare at fascinating teeny tiny things for days on end?
Originals – Solveig Originals
Cells 2000 | Dimensions: 90cm x 120cm | Medium: Acrylic on board