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Walk Strong 3: The Complete 8 Week Home Fitness Program for Women Ultimate DVD Collection
40K views · 398 reactions | Ladies, are you over 40 and feeling frustrated with the extra weight that seems to have appeared out of nowhere during menopause? Give me a YES if this is YOU! I want you to know that you are not alone. As a woman who has going through this myself, I understand the struggle all too well. But I am here to tell you that there is hope! With the right mindset, support, and guidance, you can overcome this obstacle and feel confident and beautiful in your own skin once again. So let’s work together to make this happen! Don’t let menopause hold you back any longer. Let’s embrace this new chapter of life and make it the best one yet! Click the link in my bio for a FREE 7 day trial of my app Cara Fitness. Now is the time because we MenoFit™️2.0 now as a plan and this is the perfect time for you to start! All complete conditioning, toning and weight loss goals for the month of October! Are you ready to join me? 1. Alt double shoulder press 2. Upright Row & bicep scoop 3. Front drive & chest pull 4. Tricep extension & Diag press 5. Cross drive 50 secs each, 10 secs rest & repeat 3 times. My weights are 4kgs (8.8lbs) #womenover40 #menopauseweightloss #healthylifestyle #inspiration #motivation | Cara Fitness
Ladies, are you over 40 and feeling frustrated with the extra weight that seems to have appeared out of nowhere during menopause? Give me a YES if this is YOU! I want you to know that you are not alone. As a woman who has going through this myself, I understand the struggle all too well. But I am here to tell you that there is hope! With the right mindset, support, and guidance, you can overcome this obstacle and feel confident and beautiful in your own skin once again. So let’s work togeth
Hula Hoop für Anfänger
Hula Hoop ist ein super effektives Trainingsprogramm für deinen Körper und eine tolle Möglichkeit, um neue Sachen zu lernen. Ich zeige dir hier ein effektives Workout für Anfänger, das du zu Hause ausführen kannst. Also worauf wartest du noch? Auf geht's!