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Kris Gethin's 12-Week Muscle-Building Trainer | - Kris Gethin's 12-Week Muscle-Building Trainer
8 Mistakes That Are Keeping Your Calves Small -
8 The Best Calves variations to Build An Amazing Lower Body With This Workout. With These 8 different types of calf exercises, it's hard to know which ones work best. Give these variations a try for an intense lower body workout routine. Doing the same calves exercises every day can feel a little boring, so we’re here to shake things up. Variety can supercharge a workout and throw a whole range of new muscles into the mix. Spend some time perfecting your form and nailing the basics.
What Are The Most Beneficial Back Exercises? Here's 8 Strengthening Movements -
A strong back means you need to work the different areas and not just focus on the size of your upper back which is what many people are guilty of doing. In the pursuit of trying to build a bigger back, many people concentrate on trying to get that V-shape and build the upper back muscles and neglect the lower back which is hugely important to support your spine and help prevent back problems. Let’s take a look at our back day workout and what we did to build bigger, stronger back.