outdoor classroom

105 Pins
Leuke 'schatkist' voor een speurtocht met de kids in de herfstvakantie of voor een feestje.. Foto geplaatst door sacha55nl op Welke.nl
Kids | Leuke 'schatkist' voor een speurtocht met de kids in de herfstvakantie of voor een feestje. Door MinkeS
Look at our Giant Balance!
Giant Balance | Little Pandas Preschool http://xiongmao12.wordpress.com/2011/08/04/look-at-our-giant-balance/
TTS Messy Play Outdoor Wooden Furniture Offer
Concoctions Corner. We know how important it is for children to play outside. Experimenting with messy materials is also a vital part of that learning experience. Mixing, pouring and stirring ingredients is not only great fun but helps the children to make connections and develop their understanding of how things work. This collection creates a wonderful opportunity for children to develop their interests and explore, investigate, squelch and splash. These items can be purchased separately
Search results for: 'snoezelen sensory garden ball tower' | Snoezelen® Multi-Sensory Environments and Sensory Equipment | Rompa
Ball Tower - love it but would need to build out of pvc pipe.
DIY Sandbox
DIY Sandbox converts to benches and keeps out cats! i wanna make it bigger so i can tan in it like im at the beach :P THIS IS SOO CUTE!
Early Years ideas from Tishylishy
Water station created by my FS1 colleague @Rachel Winstanley