baking ideas 🍕🍟🌭🍔🥓🥩🍿🍰🧁

The board is a very good, because she has a lot of inspiration.....
59 Pins
This contains an image of: Pizza toast
Pizza toast
This may contain: someone is holding their hand up to some food
Do you like to try?? 😋😋 #Foodie #HealthyRecipes #MealPrep #EasyRecipes #FoodPhotography #StreetFoodUSA #FollowMe #ViralPin #KetoDietRecipies #VeganRecipes #DessertRecipes #FoodInspiration #DinnerIdeas #comfortfoodrevolution
Mini Tartas de Chocolate 🍫🍫🍫 Base de galleta: - 200 g de galletas macarena o galletas de graham trituradas - 80 g de mantequilla derretida - 2 cucharadas de azúcar (opcional) Relleno: - Mermelada de frambuesa (o cualquier mermelada de tu preferencia) - 200 g de chocolate oscuro Instrucciones: 1️⃣ Preparar la base de la galleta:Tritura las galletas hasta que queden bien desmenuzadas. Mezcla las galletas trituradas con la mantequilla derretida (y el azúcar si lo deseas) hasta obtener una ma...
This may contain: a person is cutting raspberries on top of small pastries with a knife
This may contain: several pieces of bread with sesame seeds on it sitting on a wooden platter next to a figurine
This may contain: someone holding up some food on a plate with green onions and cheesy toppings
Smashed baked potatoes
Smashed baked potatoes baked in muffins tin filled with sour cream, onion, bacon and cheddar So good and perfect as a side dish! #smashedpotatoes #filledpotatoes Credit to @frederikkewaerens