
11 Pins
"Играющее солнце" лучший летний пейзаж. Акрил. Художник-композитор Юшкевич Виктор Н.
"July is in full swing" It smells of summer, flowers, warmth. Artist-Victor Yushkevich.
"Wonderful autumn day" (Fiery colors) Acrylic. Artist - Viktor Yushkevich. 2019.
"The long awaited July" (Summer landscape) Artist-Viktor Yushkevich. #6 picture in 2020.
"Nature enjoys the sun" We draw, the autumn landscape. Artist Viktor Yushkevich.
"Affectionate summer" (Wonderful summer landscape) Artist-Viktor Yushkevich. #8 picture in 2020.
"landscape Russian" Acrylic. Artist - Viktor Yushkevich. #27 photos in 2020.