
102 Pins
Sauna finlandese e sauna con bagno turco hammam
Sauna finlandese e sauna con bagno turco hammam
Sauna, jacuzzi en fitness shop | Glow
Sauna, jacuzzi en fitness shop | Glow
Impressum | Bautischlerei Wähner in Arnsdorf bei Dresden
Hier finden Sie die rechtlichen Angaben zu unserem Unternehmen Saunabau von Bau- und Möbeltischlerei Wähner in Arnsdorf bei Dresden.
Elegant Family Abachi Sauna
This Elegant Family Abachi Sauna stands out with its large open space and panoramic glass wall. The sauna has thicker glass walls and doors, which reduces heat loss and increases safety. Another novelty is the removable floor grate, colored backlighting of the armrests, and adjustable fresh air supply. The heart of the sauna is an electric stove with an output of 6 kW and temperature control is provided by a touch LED panel located directly in the sauna cabin. The control also includes an IR rem
Traditional Saunas - Nordic | Bespoke Commercial & Domestic Spas Since 1965
Nordic Sauna Lighting