33 Pins
Easiest ESP8266 Learning IR Remote Control Via WIFI
Easiest ESP8266 Learning IR Remote Control Via WIFI
Create Your Own Solar Powered Raspberry Pi Weather Station (Updated)
Create Your Own Solar Powered Raspberry Pi Weather Station
Installing a USB Weather Station on a Raspberry PI Part 1
Raspberry Pi Weather Station
How-to and DIY Guides for Makers, Programmers, and Everyone
This guide will show you how to make a smart, or "magic" mirror that runs on a Raspberry Pi.
250+ Electronics Mini Projects Ideas For Engineering Students
ELECTRONICS MINI PROJECTS IDEAS: More than 400 mini projects ideas on electronics for engineering students.
Placa de cluster consegue os 15 Raspberry Pi Zero's que faltavam
raspberry pi zero cluster
Windows 10 Will Run on the Raspberry Pi 2 - and the OS Is Free for IoT Developers - PC Perspective
Windows 10 Will Run on the Raspberry Pi 2 - and the OS Is Free for IoT Developers
47 Raspberry Pi Projects to Inspire Your Next Build
47 Raspberry Pi Projects to inspire you. #raspberrypi #geek #make
Raspberry Pi Solar Weather Station
Spurred on by the completion of my two previous projects, the Compact Camera and Portable Games Console, I wanted to find a new challenge. The natural progression was an outdoor ...
DIY smart mirrors are still irresistible, and this one has a touchscreen
Every few weeks a new homespun smart mirror pops up on Reddit. The formula is pretty staid by now: put an LCD and a Raspberry Pi behind a one-way mirror, and now you have a weather widget to look...
11 Best Weather Stations
Mini weather station with Attiny85 style
DIY Your Own Voice Controlled Lights
Voice controlled lights are one of those futuristic ideas that never really caught on for mass consumption, but if you want to make your own, DIYer Mike Pieters shows off how to do it.