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30 amazingly futuristic breakthroughs that have happened this year
2015 has already been a huge year for science — here are 30 reasons why
Infographic: Ultimate limits of nature and humanity
Theoretical Limits: Ultimate limits of nature and humanity. By BBC Future - Сайт хорошего настроения
Theoretical Limits of Everything
30 amazingly futuristic breakthroughs that have happened this year
2015 has already been a huge year for science — here are 30 reasons why
What is Carbon Dating? - Chemistry for Kids | Mocomi
Carbon dating or Radio carbon dating method is used to estimate the age of organic remains from archaeological sites. It is also used to determine ages of rocks, plants, trees, etc. Read more about the Carbon Cycle here
Tour of the EMS 01 - Introduction
NASA: Tour of the Electromagnetic Spectrum. A good introductory series of 8 videos (total 30min) discussing each type of wave length. (If you start the 1st one, the next video clip should auto start.)
Nassim Haramein: Computer Simulation of Quantum Black Hole Supports the Holographic Principle
THE UNIVERSE A HOLOGRAM?Black holes can be described as the highest possible amount of entropy that can be contained within a certain volume. Strangely though, the amount of entropy within a black hole is not proportional to its volume, but to its surface area. This bizarre property of black holes implies that everything within our universe may merely a projection of what is happening the "surface area" of the universe.
Lesson 2: Forms of Energy
Learning Goal: We are learning to explain the different forms of energy we encounter every day, and to make choices about the types of energy we use.
Why Is The Sky Blue? Simple Science (Video)
After the terrible-twos comes the curious-threes. Now that my toddler is more or less done with the tantrum phase, her favorite word has changed from 'No' to 'Why'. Question of the day: Why is the sky blue? So I thought I would do this simple experiment to show her. What you need a clear glass water soap (preferably white, I used Kirk's Castile soap) a flashlight that emits white light (I used TaoTronics LED light bulb) Steps Fill the glass with water. Dissolve a little bit of soap in the ...