Projekty na vyskúšanie

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Summer break is quickly approaching, and vacation season is upon us! Having family visit for the weekend and feeling like you need to restyle a few places? Stop by and...
SnapWidget | apple roll and pick ... children roll the dice and remove the same number of apples from the tree ... patterns can be found at #edchat #ece #earlyed #prek #preschool #homeschool #childcare #kindergarten
Ten Apples Up On Top: Counting Printable Activity
FREE printable book activity to go along with the classic Dr. Seuss book Ten Apples Up on Top. Perfect counting activity for toddlers and preschoolers for the Fall, Apple theme and Back to School season.
Watermelon Seed Matching Game | The Mama Workshop
Make a watermelon craft and play the Watermelon Seed Matching Game. Your preschooler will learn to count and match pairs. Has a video and a free printable!
40 Apple Crafts and Apple Tree Crafts Using Common Materials
40 Apple Crafts and Apple Tree Crafts Using Common Materials from Around the House: Including paper plate apple crafts, cardboard tube apple crafts, apples made from felt, pinecone apple crafts and more! Perfect to do with preschool, kindergarten and on up this fall season!
Hier noch mal ein weiteres Fensterbild. Ein Kürbis mit Anleitung! 1. Das Innere eines Papptellers ausschneiden. 2. Pappteller mit Wasserfarben anmalen! Wichtig!!!: beide Seiten bemalen! 3. Während der Pappteller trocknet, kann man mit großen Schrauben kleine Löcher in den Pappteller stechen (ist ungefährlicher als mit einer spitzen Nadel oder Schere). 4. Stiehl, Blatt, mind und Augen, oder den Wurm für den Apfel aus Papier ausschneiden. 5. mit Farbigem Bast oder Wolle kann dann das Schurw...
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Sachenmacher Knüpfsonnen | Filzbasteln | Bastelideen & Bastelbedarf | Basteln | JAKO-O - best for kids - Deutschland