
16 Pins
How To Make A Cloud In a Microwave
Cute Cloud craft for Weather Unit!! This teacher has an entire unit planned that you can pay for, but a lot of great ideas!
Cute Paper Rainbow Kid Craft
Mr. Happy cloud is here to play! This sweet cloud and paper rainbow craft for kids is a great spring project!
Weather Mobile Craft for Kids
Weather Mobile Craft for Kids Using a Stick- Fun art project for your next weather unit, to hang in your art room, or near your calendar or circle time area! (Can even be done as a collaborative art project!) ~ BuggyandBuddy.com
This item is unavailable - Etsy
Sunshine and Rainbow baby mobile - bright colours - raindrops - made to order - nursery mobile - crib mobile - pick your colours by RazzleDazzle4U on Etsy https://www.etsy.com/listing/190909556/sunshine-and-rainbow-baby-mobile-bright
Keçe Süsler Modeller - Mimuu.com
Keçeden Süsler Modelleri 165