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These Pampas Grass Christmas Trees Are So Chic, You'll Never Go Back to a Regular Tree
19 DIY Pampas Grass Christmas Trees for a Boho-Style Holiday
This may contain: an art piece made out of sticks with the words diy reindeer in front of it
DIY Christmas Reindeer Black
DIY Reindeer 💫Here are some metal reindeer that I made. I was so excited to make these after seeing how popular the black reindeer are! I made these at a fraction of the cost! What do think? Here are the instructions. All materials used are listed in my LTK shop 🔗 is in my Bio. 1st- Sculpt your reindeer. I started with legs first and used one continuous piece for the body. I created the antleers separate and you can attach using the wire and glue. 2nd- Wrap the entire structure with paper tape. 3rd- Wrap the entire structure with plaster bandages. Cut strips and wet them before applying. Smooth them out as much as possible. Let dry 24hrs. 4th- Apply a mixer of spackle and water to create a paste. Brush on and let dry 24hrs. 5th- Paint! I used acrylic paint but I think any paint w