
73 Pins
11 Ingenious Solar Projects Impacting the Developing World
The GravityLight uses gravity, acting on a weighted bag, to generate energy.
20 Million Candlepower Spotlight / Emergency Power Station
20 Million Candlepower Spotlight / Emergency Power Station
How to Make a Cheap Battery for Storing Solar Power
Storing the Sun - How to Make a Cheap Battery for Storing Solar Power | MIT Technology Review - Mount Pleasant PA factory to produce non toxic batteries at competitive cost.
How Living Off the Grid Works
How Living Off the Grid Works: A typical septic tank system configuration.
How Engineers Are Building a Power Station At the South Pole
How Engineers Are Building a Power Station At the South Pole — Medium
My small solar setup. A learning experience. Off The Grid
My small solar setup. A learning experience. Off The Grid
Living Green and Frugally - Homesteading, DIY, Home, Gardening,
How To Charge Your Battery Bank Without A Generator
AVX Announces Market Availability Of FLC Series AC Filtering Film Capacitors
AVX Announces Market Availability Of FLC Series AC Filtering Film Capacitors
Grid measurements in the PLC
Grid measurements in the PLC
Peter Thiel, Khosla, Bill Gates back air energy storage startup LightSail
Peter Thiel, Khosla, Bill Gates back air energy storage startup LightSail
San Diego Gas & Electric
We're excited to introduce three new Green Button apps for residential and business customers to manage energy use and find new ways to save energy. In addition to PowerTools, as an #SDGE customer you can now log into My Account and authorize apps including SolarCity’s Solar Home Energy Graph, EnergyAi™ and, in the near future, Ecova’s Meter Dashboard, to receive and analyze your energy data automatically.
Whose data centers are more efficient? Facebook's or Google's?
Efficiency: How we do it – Google Data centers. Figure 1: Google data center PUE measurement boundaries. The average PUE for all Google data centers is 1.12, although we could boast a PUE as low as 1.06 when using narrower boundaries.
The European Supergrid: How it can benefit the rest of the world
The European Supergrid is a project still in the works and is designed to provide huge amounts of benefits to European countries but how about the rest of the world? Read on to find out. Defined as “a pan-European transmission network facilitating the integration of large-scale renewable energy and the balancing and transportation of electricity, with the aim of improving the European market,” the European supergrid is rather an ambitious project.