DIY Natalia

90 Pins
Веселая поделка с детьми
поделки с детьми своими руками поделка в сад поделка в школу
This may contain: a child's hand reaching for an object in the shape of a house on top of a wooden floor
Reverse Ramp Design with Connetix Magnetic Tiles!
Switch things up with this reverse ramp design! @pandamommyteacher showcases that you don’t need a large Connetix Tile collection to have epic STEAM fun! To make this reverse ramp you need: ⭐ 3 big squares ⭐ 12 small squares ⭐ 4 isosceles triangles ⭐ 6 equilateral triangles Some top tips from Alice- 1. Build the back side first and close the back for support during building. Once you are done building, remove the two bottom pieces on the back to allow the cars/balls to come out. 2. Use light
DiY Kürbis Windlichter
Diese Halloween-Deko ist im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes Kinderleicht gemacht: diese Pappmachee Windlicher sehen aus wie Kürbisse bringen Farbe ins Haus! Halloween | Halloween DiY | Halloween Deko | Halloween Windlicht | Kürbist DiY | Basteln mit Kindern | Basteln für Halloween
14 ideetjes om je pompoen te versieren voor Halloween zonder te snijden
14 ideetjes om je pompoen te versieren voor Halloween zonder te snijden